Dear Self,
Today is the day I begin to love myself first. For instance, when I am invited to meet-up and my soul says stay home, I’m going to listen to my spirit. Why get out of my comfy clothes, put on another outfit, and go to the place where I don’t want to be? Beginning now, I am going to start honoring my feelings. I’m going to put my mental, physical, and spiritual well-being first.
What happens when I love myself first…
When I follow my desire to be my own company, I unplug from the world and do what I feel like doing. Sometimes I feel like lounging on my couch and binge watching a television series. Other times I may read a book. If the mood strikes me, I wrap up in my softest blanket. I silence my phone and set the timer for an hour or two of blissful sleep.
During this time alone, I am free to process situations and ideas without interruption. I do not answer texts, emails, calls or doorbells. When I bask in the joy of having put myself first, solutions to problems arrive quickly. I am relaxed and at liberty to think outside the box. However, I do not indulge in this ceremony as often as I should. Who has time with so many family, business, and community obligations? I may need to make an appointment with myself like I do with other commitments.
Now what?
As for today, I’m going to work in my garden where I can get a healthy dose of sunshine before I take my car in for maintenance.
Tomorrow, I’m going to treat myself to a leisurely meal at my favorite coffee shop before I take my dog to the vet.
The day after tomorrow, I’m going to take a long drive along the river and listen to some of my favored artists before I head home to start dinner.
Sometimes, I just want to get away from the stress, work and toxicity bombarding me. I need to just marinate for a while. So, when my soul says I need “me” time and I’m invited to an activity I do not feel like being a part of, I’m going to do something different. I’m going to bravely and firmly decline. I’m going to love myself first and regularly.
I love you,