A Special Vessel

It started with a simple stroll through an antique store. Excited about shopping in this massive, three- story building of utter goodness, I took my time exploring each and every shelf and cubby hole. What was I looking for you might ask? I didn’t know. I had no expectations and no real desire to buy anything. The thrill was in the hunt, the deliciousness of discovering a newly found treasure that I didn’t know I needed.

As I traipsed down every aisle and climbed each staircase, I came across a section of teacups. Being an avid tea drinker and cup collector, I surely did not need another cup. Yet, there was something about this one teacup. It had no saucer, was reasonably priced, and shined in a color I did not have in my collection. I picked it up, put it down, then walked away. I didn’t need another teacup.

But as I walked away from the display and started down another aisle the teacup called me. So, I went back to it, picked it up, admired it, then set it back in its place. Again, I walked away.

Would you believe it called me again? So I quickly strolled back down the aisle, grabbed the cup, balanced it carefully in my hand, and resumed my exploration of the store. It was in another partition of the store that I found the exact same cup with a saucer, for just $2 more. Seeing a bargain, I set down my initial find and picked up the set and wandered off. But wouldn’t you know, the first cup called me by my first name this time! So, I rushed to find it, quickly scooped it up, and left its substitute on the shelf.

Later that evening, as my sister and I shared our treasures, I showed her my cup. She said the cup, my cup, called her, too! She perfectly described in what section and on what shelf my gem had sat. We were both amazed at the serendipity.

Ves∙sel | ‘ves(ǝ)l| noun: a hollow container, especially one used to hold liquid

I have many coffee cups, teacups and mugs. But this latest find has become my favorite thus far. Why? Because it is different from the others in size, color, and style. The teacup fits snuggly in the palm of my hand. It holds just the right amount of tea. The fact that it spoke to me makes my tea taste oh, so delicious! I adore the cup and savor its contents when I sit down to journal at the end of the day. It makes me feel special, loved. This teacup is my “special vessel”.

I recommend having a special vessel of your own. Whether it’s a cup, mug, wine glass or goblet, have one that makes you feel special. One that is unique. One that no one else uses. Savor the liquid that it holds as you think about your day. Let the cocoon of the aroma embrace you as you write in your journal, letting your thoughts flow.

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