
I walked into a local vintage store in my town. The ambience of the store threw me back in time as I oohed and aahed over the objects that triggered memories. I don’t know if it was the slightly aged or rustic look, the furniture that was used for props, the style of the space or the smell, but the entire atmosphere was quite nostalgic.

As I prepared for my journaling ritual that night, I thought about the ambience of my writing space. My corner is cozy, my chair soft and comfortable and the room is totally quiet. My slice of heaven just happens to be at the opposite side of the house, away from family. I sometimes light candles, but more often than not, I light incense because I favor the smooth aroma of sage and citrus. I steep myself a cup of herbal tea in my special cup that no one drinks from but me. I bought my cup at Fisherman’s Wharf the very first time I visited San Francisco many years ago. So, it holds a special memory for me. Anyway, I select which tea to drink based on my mood. Then I grab my favorite pen and begin writing as I reflect on the best and worst parts of my day.

What does your journaling space look like? Is it a dedicated spot? Is it comfy enough to enjoy a few minutes of deep thinking and writing without being disturbed? Does it contain trinkets that hold special meaning and remind you of happier times? Wherever you journal, make it special. Make it feel like an envelope engulfing you in warmth and inspiration. Include a few of your favorite things. A designated and inviting space will encourage you to take the time to sit still and work on yourself. Like a bee drawn to a flower, your space will attract you so that you can pollinate your soul.

Go and Grow,


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