Today is the day I begin to love myself first. For instance, when I am invited to meet-up and my soul says stay home, I’m going to listen to my spirit. Why get out of my comfy clothes, put on another outfit, and go to a place where I don’t want to be? Beginning now, I am going to start honoring my feelings. I’m going to put my mental, physical, and spiritual well-being first.
Author Archives: PaperandHerbs
Dear Self,
Someone said that doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. Well, I must be insane. I keep doing the same thing over and over and nothing changes. For example, every year I set a few goals, and by the end of the year, I have achieved none of them. How can I achieve at least one of them?
I think I’m going to do something different this time.
If I had an unlimited supply of money, what would I do with it? If I could be an animal, what would I be? If I had 24 hours to do whatever I wanted, what would I do? ***** These are examples of prompts. Prompts are used to stimulate thought. There are no right or […]
Essential oils are concentrated in and extracted from different parts of herbs, roots, grasses, trees,
shrubs, fruits and flowers. Once extracted, the essential oil can be applied externally to the body using a
lotion or carrier oil; inhaled using diffusers, humidifiers and vaporizers; or ingested through food. They
can be used in the home for cleaning, hygiene, beauty, cooking, gardening, pet care, and pest control.
It started with a simple stroll through an antique store. Excited about shopping in this massive, three- story building of utter goodness, I took my time exploring each and every shelf and cubby hole. What was I looking for you might ask? I didn’t know. I had no expectations and no real desire to buy […]
I walked into a local vintage store in my town. The ambience of the store threw me back in time as I oohed and aahed over the objects that triggered memories. I don’t know if it was the slightly aged or rustic look, the furniture that was used for props, the style of the space […]
Journaling is not always about writing. Sometimes you may be pondering a situation, and it may seem
like too much effort to write. Instead, you might want to draw (if you are fortunate enough to have that
talent), or simply doodle.
Another important tool for your journaling practice is a writing implement. It can be a pencil or pen. It can be colored pencils, markers, fountain or calligraphy pens, dip pens, gel pens—there are many types of pencils and pens to choose from. But first and foremost, select an implement that you enjoy using. When you […]
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