Love Letter #1 ~ Do Something Different This Time

Dear Self,

Someone said that doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.   Well, I must be insane.  I keep doing the same thing over and over and nothing changes.  For example, every year I set a few goals, and by the end of the year, I have achieved none of them.  How can I achieve at least one of them?

I think I’m going to do something different this time.

This year I’m going to write my goals on the front page of my new journal where I can see them regularly.  I’m going to make sure each one is measurable.  I’m going to write down all the steps I need to take to make each goal happen. I’m going to give myself due dates, and track my progress weekly.  If I miss the mark, I’m going to figure out why and resolve the issue, even if it pains me.  If I do these things, maybe I’ll get some projects done around here.  At the very least, I should see some progress.

I’m going to do something different to achieve my goals this year, and this time I expect to accomplish them.

I love you,


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